formerly known as

Hojary Frankincense


Hojary Frankincense is simply the best frankincense in the world lovingly harvested by hand. Traditionally used for cleansing, meditation, aiding worship, perfuming the area, protection, smudging, anxiety, stress, clarity of mind, trauma and so much more it really is a gift from heaven.

42 in stock


Hojary Frankincense




Origin: Oman.


Hojary Frankincense is simply the best frankincense in the world lovingly harvested by hand. Traditionally used for cleansing, meditation, aiding worship, perfuming the area, protection, smudging, anxiety, stress, clarity of mind, trauma and so much more it really is a gift from heaven.


There is a long tradition that burning frankincense with myrrh is heaven and earth, Myrrh grounding, protective and removing negativity while frankincense is welcoming the angels, refreshing, increasing positive energy and spiritually empowering.


Hojary Frankincense has sweet heavenly notes bordering on jasmine and citrus notes.


Additional information

Weight 40 g
Dimensions 10 × 8 × 4.5 cm


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